Monday, June 22, 2009

5 Gifts from God to Runners

So I've being out running this past while I've been thinking, man sometime this really sucks, but I just have to thank someone for these wonderful gifts on a run:

1. Sprinklers - Right, so it's a hot day and you've been pounding for an hour all sweaty tired and thirsty. Then you spot it, in the distance that beautiful stream of water, so refreshing and cool. You run straight through it like a little kid, who cares if you're on the neighbours lawn, totally worth it.

2. Downhills - They say that whatever comes up must come down... all runners know thats a load of crap . So you know when you find one of these beaut's you take your time goin down, just relax and let gravity do its job.

3. Shade - Whether during or just finishing a run its always nice to be in the shade. I mean why burn, and die from heat exhaustion when there's a beautiful tree with shade right over there. Unless you wanted to get a wicked farmers tan...

4. Grass - Now think about all those injuries you've gotten over the past while... now think how many you wouldn't have had if didn't have to pound runs on concrete roads and sidewalks. Runners are always trying to find grass, and new soft paths to run. A great way to save the legs and way more fun.

5. Porta-Potty - Like any distance runner would know, the worst is the 8th K into a 10K run. Not because you're tired, but for more natural reasons. So when you're lucky enough to find one of these puppies on a run it truly is a God send, and if not you can always use a bush...

Got this list idea from that runnerville link a little ways down on the blog...


Monday, June 1, 2009

bouncy bouncy titties

check out NUTS magazine's topless wii....... fucking brilliant...

..... you have to figure out what game they're playin based on their.... bounciness............

Friday, May 8, 2009

gettin drunk tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- takashi

Close but no cigar?

Just for starters, I'd like to point out that I am extreme frustrated and I'd like to say borderline pissed but in fact I'm well beyond that at the moment. So prepare yourself for one big ass m*ther f*ckin' rant and a half to follow.

Close but no cigar. A.k.a. you just got slapped in the face by fate, luck, god whatever you want to call it.

For as long as I can remember, I have been a procrastinator, but what I also know is that I've been a procrastinator who busts his balls to get things done and to get them done they way I want. Basically I'm going to go back to my last year of high school here.

So as Hapa stated, all of us our runners, some more successful than others.

Basically back in the day I was entering grade 12 after having, what for me was a very successful grade 11 year. I was my city's regional XC aggregate and 1500m champion, and managed to place 10th at the state championships in the 1500m.

Sure enough after essentially taking all of August off I came back a fair bit out of shape and was determined to have a very successful grade 12 year. I was entering as not only the front runner for my schools cross country and track & field team, but also the school's student's council co-president.

One of the first things I did after coming back after vacation was write down my goals on sticky notes and place them around my monitor, to keep me from procrastinating and slacking off in hopes of achieving some if not all of these goals. These goals included times and places for my running, as well as grades, and academic scholarships.

Well after about 2 weeks into the school year I was having a great time, my fitness was rounding back into shape and I really believed everything was going well. I was confident I was going to have a big break through in my running and was pushing my body to new limits in mileage.

Then one day on a hill workout with Takashi, I felt a sharp pain in my right foot, that caused me to basically walk jog back to my car. Despite this I continued to train for a few days and even raced once before I saw a doctor about the problem. Sure enough after few weeks and a bone scan later I found myself flapping in the nearby pool attempting to keep some type of fitness up with the slim hope of running my regionals and then the state championships. I was able to do so and all in all it wasn't that bad of a season, although I had to race walk a race, finished 10 spots back of my previous years position at regionals and was our school's 3rd runner, I still managed to place near where I did the year before at the state championship meet.

Still nonetheless I was disappointed and indeed in some pain. I even forced myself to run a very disappointing national meet where I found myself finish in the lowest 10%.

During all of this I found myself busy working with the student's council, boosting my grades, and applying to scholarships. I applied to a lot of scholarships, some large, some small, and with a grade 12 average of 95.0%, previous averages in the low 90s, lots of work experience through a co-op program, and tons of volunteering, I was very hopeful and confident I could at least win a few.

Well I didn't, I won none, outside the one's I was automatically eligible within my school, and through my father's organizations.

Not too mention I had the opportunity to apply for a MAJOR Entrance Scholarship with the school I had chosen to attend for university only to find out that my high school had chosen to sponsor someone else and not inform me of the award because they thought I was dead set on going to another school despite constantly telling them it was between the two. Of course I was informed of this the day (in fact when I was sitting at the desk) I was writing an exam worth 40% of my final grade and in my weakest subject (English). Oh and just to note this scholarship was worth enough to pay for nearly my entire undergraduate degree, so it was pretty disheartening and yes I am STILL very bitter about it.

In fact that exam almost nearly lost me another $7,500 because I got one mark less on it than I needed to maintain my 95.0% average which put me at a higher scholarship level.

Anyway got a bit of redemption at my graduating ceremony for that mishap and graduate with great credentials but not nearly enough money to pay for my education, beyond my first 2.5 years.

Skip ahead to now, still struggling with injuries I have managed to have good cross country seasons at my university but have yet been able to come through in track. Yet my passion for the sport is strong as ever and in fact led me to applying for a job with my local track authority. Last year had I not been consumed with exams I wouldn't have missed the deadline for it and consequently I basically worked the most miserable job I have ever had, but gave me the work experience that I needed to become essentially the perfect candidate for this job. My resume fit the job description to the point and I couldn't and still can't dream of a job I would want more.

I submitted my application last Monday and was informed within 30mins after submitting it that they would have a date for interviews set up soon and the short list of candidates would be contacted before the end of last week. Well the end of the week came and no contact. After talking to a few veterans of the area they told me to keep hope that the office is often slow and I might still hear.

Well sure enough come 7:50am Monday morning I get an email asking for my preferences for interview times and come Wednesday 8:40am I'm sitting in my car outside the office waiting or an interview.

The interview went well. It started off very nicely with discussion about my step dad (whom the interviewers knew quite well) and myself just in general. After a few questions I was feeling very confident and one of the interviewers was giving off the vibe that I essentially had the job. Towards the end however I began to stumble slightly and lost a bit of confidence in myself as they discussed responsibilities not included in the job description and of which I had little if any experience in.

However despite the slightly fumbling of words as I left the office and expressed my gratuities I was very confident that it went very well. I also had been informed that decision would be made by Thursday afternoon from amongst the 5 individuals being interviewed.

Well once again after essentially sitting beside the phone all day it was 5:30pm and no news, but again I held hope that perhaps they were unable to reach a decision and come Friday I may hear from them. So once again I alertly perched myself beside the telephone waiting for a phone call to grant me my dream job. nearing 9:30am I decided perhaps it was best to send a follow up email thanking them for their time. After not hearing back I had more hope that a decision still was yet to be made. Well finally 3:00pm came around and DING! I was alerted to an email.

Thank you very much for your interest in the summer student position with ____, it was a pleasure to meet and talk with you.

Unfortunately we are not able to offer you the position...

Thank you again.

The final, crushing, and decisive blow had been dealt. Once again led on, once again believed, once again confident and once again let down by my own hopes and dreams. I could go on but I feel this is probably my longest and most boring post yet, so I'll end it here reiterating my opening statement.

Close but not cigar, is like getting slapped in the face. Everything feels good and your happy one minute, then the next you feel like you got hit by a train as devastation hits, your angry both at yourself and the person who did it, it stings, and you got a red mark on your face because you've told people about how close you were to getting it and it hurts every part of your body to tell them what just happened.

-- Zeus

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Boredom's a Curse

K so bored as I am I thought I would finally post about just a few things.
  1. I think it's safe to say all of us at the moment are unemployed at home doing absolutely nothing with our lives. K maybe that's just me but I like to think that there are others that I know who are doing the same thing.
  2. Say X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I give it it 2 thumbs up as a solid flick to go see, be prepared though it leaves you wanting more at the end. Oh and to add to Hapa's list, how about Crank: High Voltage?
  3. Takashi: Where da male stripping at man? I hear it's good dough and hey you get to check out some of those older ladays who knows maybe you'll find yourself a sugar mama!
possibilities for a summer work:

- source adult video
- dishwashing @ earls
- starbucks
- start a bubble tea shoppe
- become a country musician
- sell my body
- bussing tables @cafe crepe
- panhandling
- door to door marketing... of my body
- male modelling
- sex educator
- starbucks
- pump gas
- sell E down @ 3road and alderbridge
- boot for high school kids @ bill em
- rape crisis counselling
- freeload of my folks.... g'yeah



Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Our house is filled with runners.

So our house is filled with runners, and I just came by this, its hilarious:


Homes (Summer Movies)

So all of us except Zeussy are at home, but he's headed back soon. Just the change up from school to home is always a bit staggering... Anyways now that its summer, what will you do?? Watch movies of course!!! so here are some movies I'm looking forward to this summer, in no specific order. . .

The Summer Movie List

K so here's some bitchin movies i wanna see this summer, and see them in theatres cause its illegal to download. Plus torrenting not on campus use's up bandwidth...

1. Transformers 2 - AAAWWWHHHH YEEAAAA. K so like I'm just gonna describe why this is gonna be awesome with a few words and you can make up the sentence with them: Robots, Ass kicking, Ass kicking robots, Meagan Fox, Flying robots that kick ass, Meagan Fox, Optimus Prime, Prime-time, Action, Drama, Excitement!!!!!, cool explosions, flying kick ass robots causing explosions oh.. and meagan fox.

2. Bruno - Ok so I'm pretty excited for this cause I'm a big fan of Sasha Bara Cohen. His stuff is hilarious and it looks like this film is gonna be just as funny as his past work, if not better.

3. Dragonball Evolution - So if you've checked out the trailers for this movie it looks really cheesy, but I still have hope that the film will turn out alright. Even not, Dragonball is awesome, plus Goku kicks ass. KKKAAAAAAMAAEEEEEEHHHHHAAAAAMMMMAAAEEEEEHHHAAAAAA!!!!!!!


4. X-men Origins - sweet, time for some more mutant powers, and ass kicking. This one, by the looks of the trailers, is gonna be pretty sweet. Lots of action, probably some drama, but what i'm interested in is finding out about the history of the x-men, which will be pretty rad.

5. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - so I may seem like a child for putting this up here, but the series really does get better as it goes on, and the acting and film itself have been getting alot better. Hopefully they keep it up with this one, and hey if not, Heromine's hot... so no problems.

6. Star Trek - Ok right so another nerdy one here, but this new Star Trek looks like its packed with action, and dulls down on the nerdiess of past movies. Plus its also another origins type film, so background on characters is always interesting to watch and learn about...

7. Terminator Salvation - Right so more robots kicking ass, need i say more??? plus christian bale, so he's pretty badass, but i mean not nearly as hot as meagan fox.....

8. Angels and Demons - so have yet to read this puppy, but i've just not had the time, but apparently the book is even more exciting then Da Vinci Code, so I'm really lookin forward to this one.

9. G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - So, here who knew that this shit was coming out?? I did bitches! yeaaaaaaaa, its gonna be fucking bad ass, plus casting looks like its got decent talent so less chance of cheesy movie, and more likely mofucking G.I.'s shootin up shit, kickin ass.

10. Inglorious Basterds - K. fuck... this is gonna be awesome, Quentin Tarantino's long awaited new film. With his style you can hardly ever be dissapointed, and with the story line it seems that this one is gonna be intense.

cool, enjoy the summer.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Some white people hate black people, and some white people love black people, some black people hate white people, and some black people love white people. So you see it's not an issue of black and white, it's an issue of Lovers and Haters.
-Eden Ahbez

speaking of lovers check these guys out:

major lovers.


Zeus's Ponderings Day 3: Random

How can one be pure if one is not substantial enough to withstand the blow of a fully grown rabbit? It is well known that the rabbit arm is a main part of the diet of the African bull and is also a main food source for ants. If the rabbit becomes extinct then we will certainly experience a great decrease in the African bull and thus because this valuable resource is decreased we, the wallabies of walk-about creek, will entirely suffer and experience the full front of the lack of fully grown rabbits. Another main source of food for the African bull is crocodile. Crocodile had become less angry in the most recent years, resulting in an outburst of mice. The crocodiles are become more mellow, often listening to old Pink Floyd records and eating nachos. This could result in the extinction of nachos. Since us wallabies love nachos this lack most definetly will result in a lemming like suicide by jumping off mount killamenjaroo. Many hunters have reported seeing headless mice crawling around western Australia. If this herd of mice continues to grow in size, many innocent people will die. Six people in south Australia have lost their lives to mice. The mice kill their prey by lunging at their victim's face. It is suggested that all Australians should wear protective gear on their head until further notice.

--Zeus and Friend (May 2005)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Re: Chip List

Hapa then, I guess you got your ass kicked by a fat man last night! HOWWWW EMBARRASSING!


P.S. Flooded basement wtf?


our basement flooded.


way to serious Zeus... (chip list)

So looking at our last two post's I've decided that they have been much to serious, so I've decided to call Zeus a name, and also loosen up the atmosphere with my blog-a-log. Plus Zeus called me ugly so shit is goin down... so take this Zeus.... you're really ugly (on the inside and out).... yeaaaa deal with it..... haha. ok so now onto my less than serious post.


My top ten favourite chips (yo from 1 to 10, none of this countdown shit)

1. Doritos: Sweet Chili Heat -man cannot get enough of these things, sweet, spicy, nice crunch these things are epic man. oh yea and there is even a facebook group for these things they're that fucking awesome.

2. Maui Kitch'n Cook'd Potato Chips - So these things are pretty much wickesome (wicked awesome) you have to get them in hawaii though which is bit of a challenge but if have the chance try them out they're delicious.

3. Miss Vickies: Original Crinkle Cut - I just tried these for the first time the other day and they are yummy in my tummy, nice flavour and even more of a crunch. wicked. deadly with dip also.

4. Pringles: Sour Cream and Onion - These have been one of my favourite chips for a long time, just the awesome flavour of them and the pringle shape, need i say more? warning though these things tend to smell, so if you eat them near others be prepared to share, or get called out for bad breath.

5. Ruffles: Chedder and Sour Cream - Right so maybe one of the weirder flavours, but trust me these things are great, if you see em try them out i promise you wont be dissapointeded. Cheese is awesome, sour cream is awesome what's not to like?

6. Rave: Roasted Chicken - Alright here's another not so well known chip that i just love. It may seem weird having a chicken flavour chip, but when you start eating these things you can't stop, try them out if you can find them I haven't been able to for a while :(

7. Tostitos: Original - K so these things on their own are nothing special, but when you turns these things into nachos, with cheese, olives, jalapenos, and more cheese they are incredible... uggh so hungry...

8. Ruffles: All dressed - right so ruffles already rule cause i mean they have ruffles, but all dressed is wicked just cause they got so much tastiness (note: this shit does not have spell check), plus these things are a classic.
9. Miss Vickes: BBQ - Alright so these haven't been around for a long time but back in the day they totally ruled. I guess they just stopped making them... so sad, but none the less they were deliciooosoo (pronouced: DEL -LISH - EE - OH - SO)

10. Ruffles: Original - Right so for the last spot, original ruffles, I mean these things with a good french onion dip, are fucking wicked. Man I'm hungry now, I'm gonna go buy some chips...


ps. Zeus your not ugly.... just kinda not good looking.... and fat..... just kidding

pps. I was not

Zeus' Past Ponderings Day 2

Before Day 2 gets posted, let us take another look at The Flaw in the 4.0 GPA.

First, wow I can't remember how I even was able to write that back in the day. A) It's way too deep for a 1
7 year old boy, and B) it was over a girl who I had originally refused to date then did, then got dumped (hence the post), and about 4 months after this post she asked me out again. Now that's what I call a clusterf*ck. And wtf water skeeters?

K on to the second transcription from the ol' site:

March 11

Another dreary Friday surprisingly had me waking up and racing out of my sister's comfortable bed that I have been sleeping in since she left for university. Homework what a bore can't say anything much about geology interests me except classifying and the general knowledge of being able to name a rock or mineral I see in someone's garden steps. However I believe homework must be done and the more boring it is the longer it takes. Geology is no exception especially when its a review of information that your current text book assumes that you already know from previous years of “strenuous” “memorizing” and “studying.” All words of which are not familiar or well liked in my realm and viewing of the world. Once homework is finished the rush to get ready for school without forgetting something in fifteen minutes less time then I had previously wanted because geology proved even more boring then previously anticipated.

Costa Rica practice had its highlights, Band Teacher #1 wasn't there and neither was his replacement, Replacement Band “Shave all remnants of Band Teacher #1 Away” Teacher. Band Teacher #2 provided his usual understanding of Band Teacher #1 with multiple references to bribes of less interaction with Band Teacher #1 while down on our “holiday” from school and hopefully Band Teacher #1 I might add. “Bitch” was a word that came up and seemed to make my day a little better since it came from the mouth of our fearless Leader Band Teacher #2.

Science could not have been more boring. Mark test watch movie trying to convince young children into becoming Earth Scientists. In grade 10 most people generally know what they do or don't want to be when they grow up and I can guarantee an Earth Scientist is likely farther from the top of my list after a movie that did nothing but explain why a person liked their job. Taking notes and making questions about the movie was not a sought after activity in my opinion I could have taken a zero had I not been so tired as to realize the stupidity of Science Teacher #1's statement that there was tonnes of information in the movie.

Planning was a whole other story starting with Planning Teacher #1 attempting to look responsible and doing his usual delegation of work to students so that he may look at car sights on the Internet and always looking for ways to add yet another item to his list of possessions that he can brag about. School TV Vision in the Career Centre was far from a highlight and would have been a major disappointment had it not relived the complete disorder of Planning 10. Drawing is a nice activity when your in the mood and not completely bored to death by the mindless activity that was causing me to draw cartoons of one grandma Vandulsteinschmidt in various widths and heights.

Lunch was a highlight with random and happy photographs being taken with my ill gotten replacement of a camera.

Socials was another planning except with mindless reading of a book that I could careless about if there was a track meet or a nuclear explosion involved.

Band was dreadful having Replacement Band Teacher #1 continue to enforce his tyrannical rule other our class in his humorous and seemingly harmless manner. Tuning was a topic and multiple changes in conducting that could send Band Teacher #1 right off the deep end when he finds he needs to correct them.

School was over and I was prepared to escape to my retreat on the track when creeping around a corner and out of Band Teacher #2's guitar class that I had infiltrated Band Teacher #2 fingers me with his surprised and attention getting look on his face that he uses to attract you towards him because you know he wants to give you something. In this case Band Teacher #2 gave me back my MiniDisc and its various cables and adapters that are used for recording.

Finally, after escaping the grasps of Band Teacher #2 and unfortunately another attack by Bob, I was able to juggle my books, water bottles, Gatorade, music and saxophone down the hall until I was able to drop dead in front of my locker and grab my back pack and stuff it full with equipment for my venture into the world outside of school, TRACK.

Helena picked me up and diligently drove me to her home under the suspicion of her mother, recently back from a vacation, so that I was able to change. On the way to track conversing was not a strong point since Helena looked as if she was about to drive off the road because of the need for sleep that she so often has because of her intense study habits.

Track was interesting because of my extreme hyperactiveness that always seems to overtake me when my Mizunos go on. Unfortunately Jim wasn't there and I had to live with trying to make the most out of life with Helena “Always Look on the BAD side of Life” and Shenequa “I know I spelled this name wrong sorry. I look younger than my brother” Man.

Various topics came up that were well interesting to say the least. Bill and I tried to get a conversation started about socks after Helena and SM discussed athletic bras and what materials give you bruises or cuts while running.

False starts and complaints seemed to be a popular topic today as I tried to beat Helena in our six seven second runs. Myself being the subject of the complaints and accused false starts.

On the way home I could tell I was being a nuisance and it was obvious I was bothering myself more than I was bothering Helena and thus I tried to shut myself up but as you can see from reading this piece of literature shutting up is not a specialty in my domain of abilities.

Crawled into my abode and quickly lost track of time and at 6:15 after realizing I was lacking my dinner and sufficient time to have a shower and obtain a dinner. I made an executive decision to not go to the school's play “Closets” staring Cara and various other grade eight actors I could care less about.

Life after that was that of which is quite familiar to me. Loneliness and boredom all combined to give me an impatient mood with various friends who assume certain information that I do not have. I've found some quotes that seemed very appropriate at the time:

“Every improvement in communication makes the bore more terrible.”

-Frank Moore Colby

“A bore is a man who deprives you of solitude without providing you with company.”

-Gian Vincenzo Gravina

“A healthy male adult bore consumes each year one and a half times his own weight in other people's patience.”

-John Updike


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Zeus's Past Ponderings Day 1:

So since starting this blog. I've been reminiscing about my past attempts at blogging and in doing so I remembered one I tried to start about 4 years ago. So over the next few days I will be transposing many of those writings on to this one so welcome to:

Zeus's Past Ponderings Day 1:

(Pretty much the same as when I posted it 4 years ago except corrected some grammar and spelling mistakes)

The Flaw in the 4.0 GPA

The truly brilliant people in this world, the ones who don't just do well in school and life but also do well because they want to and they want to achieve there goals and dreams by doing everything to the best of their ability, have one flaw. That flaw is one that anyone who has ever been accused of being a perfectionist knows, should be aware of, and possibly ashamed of as I am. They give up. They give up when they realize that the surface of the lake has nothing to give to them. A water skeeter floats on the surface, lives and dies on the surface, without ever knowing what lies beneath until its too late and their body is drifting away. Love can seem terrible, mediocre and excellent but until you hold your breath, take a chance and dunk your head under the surface you never experience the entire volume and mass of what love can bring you.


The Gay Report: Composers

LGBT composers:

-Leonard Bernstein
-John Cage
-Wendy Carlos (born Walter Carlos)
-Aaron Copeland
-Philip Glass
-George Frideric Handel
-(Sir) Elton John
-Cole Porter (surprisingly)
-Franz Schubert (speculative)
-Pyotr IlichTchaikovsky
-(Sir) Michael Tippett
-Siegfried Wagner

**(as with every gay report, this is not a guaranteed nor an all-encompassing list)


Zac Efron: Teen heart throb or the Other Man?

Hey I'm Zeus, this is my first post, I hope you enjoy.

So last night after cooking a laboriously creating a magnificent home brewed vegetable pasta sauce for my beautiful girlfriend, she and her house mate decided to go to the movies. Okay I admit the sauce was a bit butchered, but w.e. I made it for her haha. Unfortunately I was stuck at home preparing for my final that I have later today (but of course I'm on here instead of studying). Anyway, I guess I shouldn't complain she was going to see "Seventeen Again" with teen heart throb Zac Efron.

Around 9:30ish I received a text message " I think im in lover with zach efron im sorry." Crushed from being broken up for by "The Other Man" Zac Efron, my hopes for studying were dashed and my notes ruined as tears flooded down my face onto the scattered papers laying idly on my desk. K bit of an exaggeration but nonetheless I rolled with the punches and proceeded to procrastinate... anyway back to my point or at least a point.

What's the deal?

So what if he's gorgeous, young and probably rich? He's not me, ZEUS! Haha Just kidding. But honestly what's up with girls being obsessed and attracted to men on TV, you could be the nerdiest (like me) and ugliest (like Hapa) person, and as long as you have a TV appearance you could get thousands of girls throwing themselves at you.

Furthermore, along those same lines, what's the deal with women still throwing their underwear at Mick Jagger? The guy is old, can hardly sing anymore, a drug addict etc.

Anyway I'll just leave with this, I believe (or kinda, I'm mostly just ranting for the sake of ranting and posting on this blog) that people these days are socialized by society through the media to fall desperately in love with those individuals in popular culture so much so that they ignore what might be considered by some the logical and practical requirements for a "good" spouse -i.e. love, support, care, time for you, financial support, etc...

Ya I'm done I think... Thanks for reading.

Oh wait no one last thing Zac Efron, if you're out there reading this, props bud, you got women everywhere drueling. Just keep in mind you might be responsible for more than a few break up stories on FML!

Oh and P.S. Jamaal told me that he'd break up with me too, if he had the choice between Zac Efron and me. FML!

-- Zeus

Friday, April 17, 2009

Beer Pong Stats of april 17th, bitches.
Games Played811133
Games Won2571
Cups Taken2945529


Welcome to Jizz City

So here it is... this is our new blog Jizz City. This is a blog written by a few University students who wanted to write some stories and share a few laughs. There are four of us, who live together, and we'll post whatever, whenever something interesting happens... hope you enjoy

-Hapa, Zeus, Takashi, and Jamaal