Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Homes (Summer Movies)

So all of us except Zeussy are at home, but he's headed back soon. Just the change up from school to home is always a bit staggering... Anyways now that its summer, what will you do?? Watch movies of course!!! so here are some movies I'm looking forward to this summer, in no specific order. . .

The Summer Movie List

K so here's some bitchin movies i wanna see this summer, and see them in theatres cause its illegal to download. Plus torrenting not on campus use's up bandwidth...

1. Transformers 2 - AAAWWWHHHH YEEAAAA. K so like I'm just gonna describe why this is gonna be awesome with a few words and you can make up the sentence with them: Robots, Ass kicking, Ass kicking robots, Meagan Fox, Flying robots that kick ass, Meagan Fox, Optimus Prime, Prime-time, Action, Drama, Excitement!!!!!, cool explosions, flying kick ass robots causing explosions oh.. and meagan fox.

2. Bruno - Ok so I'm pretty excited for this cause I'm a big fan of Sasha Bara Cohen. His stuff is hilarious and it looks like this film is gonna be just as funny as his past work, if not better.

3. Dragonball Evolution - So if you've checked out the trailers for this movie it looks really cheesy, but I still have hope that the film will turn out alright. Even not, Dragonball is awesome, plus Goku kicks ass. KKKAAAAAAMAAEEEEEEHHHHHAAAAAMMMMAAAEEEEEHHHAAAAAA!!!!!!!


4. X-men Origins - sweet, time for some more mutant powers, and ass kicking. This one, by the looks of the trailers, is gonna be pretty sweet. Lots of action, probably some drama, but what i'm interested in is finding out about the history of the x-men, which will be pretty rad.

5. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - so I may seem like a child for putting this up here, but the series really does get better as it goes on, and the acting and film itself have been getting alot better. Hopefully they keep it up with this one, and hey if not, Heromine's hot... so no problems.

6. Star Trek - Ok right so another nerdy one here, but this new Star Trek looks like its packed with action, and dulls down on the nerdiess of past movies. Plus its also another origins type film, so background on characters is always interesting to watch and learn about...

7. Terminator Salvation - Right so more robots kicking ass, need i say more??? plus christian bale, so he's pretty badass, but i mean not nearly as hot as meagan fox.....

8. Angels and Demons - so have yet to read this puppy, but i've just not had the time, but apparently the book is even more exciting then Da Vinci Code, so I'm really lookin forward to this one.

9. G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - So, here who knew that this shit was coming out?? I did bitches! yeaaaaaaaa, its gonna be fucking bad ass, plus casting looks like its got decent talent so less chance of cheesy movie, and more likely mofucking G.I.'s shootin up shit, kickin ass.

10. Inglorious Basterds - K. fuck... this is gonna be awesome, Quentin Tarantino's long awaited new film. With his style you can hardly ever be dissapointed, and with the story line it seems that this one is gonna be intense.

cool, enjoy the summer.


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